Monday, March 19, 2012


ad‧here [intransitive] formal
to stick firmly to something
adhere to
The eggs of these fish adhere to plant leaves.

adhere to something 

phrasal verb
to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief:
We adhere to the principles of equal rights and freedom of expression for all.
I have adhered strictly to the rules.

Some of these tiles are not adhered to the wall


1 [intransitive and transitive] if you detach something, or if it detaches, it becomes separated from the thing it was attached to [≠ attach]
detach something from something
You can detach the hood from the jacket.
Please detach and fill out the application form.

 detach yourself from somebody/something

to try to be less involved in or less concerned about a situation:
Doctors have to detach themselves from their feelings.

you can detach the hood if you don't like it.


1 very sudden:
a precipitous decline in stock prices
2 dangerously high or steep:
a precipitous path
3 formal happening or done too quickly, and not thought about carefully:
a precipitous marriage

she always regretted her precipitous decision to drop out of college.


1 [usually before noun] a substance that is refined has been made pure by an industrial process [↪ rawcrude; ≠ unrefined]
2 someone who is refined is polite and seems to be well-educated or to belong to a high social class - sometimes used humorously:
a refined way of speaking
3 a method or process that is refined has been improved to make it more effective [↪ sophisticated]:
Laser surgery has become much more refined over the last decade.

he was very rich but he was no refined.


shovel past tense and past participle shovelled, present participleshovelling British Englishpast tense and past participle shoveled, present participle shoveling American English [transitive]
1 to lift and move earth, stones etc with a shovel:
The workmen shovelled gravel onto the road.
They were out in freezing conditions shovelling snow off the pitch.
shovel the driveway/sidewalk etc American English (=shovel snow from a road or path)
Everyone was out shovelling their sidewalks.

 shovel something into/onto something

to put something, usually food, somewhere quickly:
We shovelled food into our mouths as fast as we could.

he is shoveling snow and ice away from his car


scrub past tense and past participle scrubbed, present participlescrubbing
1 [intransitive and transitive] to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in order to clean it:
She was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor.
He scrubbed the dirt off his boots.
The table needs to be scrubbed clean.
scrub at
She scrubbed at her face with a tissue.
2 [transitive] informal to decide not to do something that you had planned[= cancel]:
We scrubbed the idea in the end.

scrub something ↔ out 

phrasal verb
to clean the inside of a place thoroughly:
The rooms are all scrubbed out once a week.

scrub up 

phrasal verb
to wash your hands and arms before doing a medical operation

she is scrubbing her back


1 to show a feeling, attitude etc:
The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.
manifest something in/as/through something
A dog's protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.

 manifest itself

to appear or to become easy to see:
His illness began to manifest itself at around this time.

If you want to sue himyou need a manifest evidence


1 large, impressive, or expensive:
a royal palace on a lavish scale
The food was lavish.
2 very generous
lavish with/in
We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis.
He was always lavish in his praise of my efforts.

he had extremely lavish bathroom


1 auxiliary workers provide additional help for another group of workers:
an auxiliary nurse
auxiliary staff
2 an auxiliary motor, piece of equipment etc is kept ready to be used if the main one stops working properly:
we can used an auxiliary power generator.